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KASSA follow-up

EC press release: Exploring the value of sustainable agriculture


Seminar dealing with Kassa results in Czech Republic

VURV  www.wurv.cz

Jaromir Kubat, Jitka Novakova and Tomas Simon will organise on the 11th April 2006 a seminar on the results of KASSA. It has several aims e.g.:

  • to spread the information about the KASSA results among the colleagues who work on CA technologies (actually our partners in the project) and also colleagues from agricultural universities, research institutes and also from the ministries of agriculture and environment who work on the new legislation (good agricultural praxis and good agricultural and ecological condition) ;
  • to inform people of the both ministries (mainly) about the importance of CA, about knowledge gaps identified in KASSA and the needs for further research.

The seminar is public, free of charge.

Contcat: kubat@vurv.cz

KASSA - © Cirad 2005 - rabah.lahmar@cirad.fr  Last updated : 23/02/2016 - Credits